Researchers within the GGE network are spreading the word about glycobiological science, gastric cancer and Marie Curie Actions in several ways. On this page outreach activities for both non-scientists and scientists are shown.
Press releases
Research findings by ESR6 et al. have identified how the bacterium H.pylori use a PH-sensitive mechanism in order to first bind tight to the epithelial cells of the stomach lining and later detach from the cells as they are shed into the stomach lumen. The new discovery explains how H.pylori escape death and is capable of reinfecting the stomach over and over again. Since H.pylori infection is a causative agent for Gastric Cancer the researchers at partner UmU hope that their results can be used for identifying new target molecules for future cancer therapies.
Full press release
Fight Cancer and Run race in Gothenburg, the proceeds from which go to the Jubilee Clinic Cancer Fund. ESR1, ESR7, GGE manager and GGE coordinator ran the race to support cancer research and to highlight how glycobiology offers new ways to attack stomach cancer.
The full story about the race
Campus Biotech Openday, 23 May 2015.
ESR4 located at partner SIB took part in the Campus Biotech open-day, which attracted many people eager to learn about science.
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics on facebook
Press Release as a joint outreach activity
Performed by ESR5, Giulia Bianchi, at partner ARIANA in collaboration with partner SIB, the press release was noticed by Swiss national radio who contacted the Principal Investigator at partner SIB with an invitation to talk in the radio about novel biomarkers of gastric cancer.
Interview with GastricGlycoExplorer ESR Yolanda Mthembu in the news at Sahlgrenska Science Park

Full article

Full article
Talks to the general public
Inspiring the next generation of scientists
GGE fellows ESR1 and ESR2 took part of the EuroScience Open Forum with a video entitled "Masses for the masses" organized by University of Manchester to show the widespread use of mass spectrometry. The video was showcased during the conference in order to inspire young people to work with science.
TecDay at College of Sismondi, Geneva, Switzerland, April 19, 2016. GGE fellow ESR4 participated in the open day where he explained about his work and showed hands on examples for interested youths to try.
Swiss Youth in Science, Geneva, Switzerland, March 14-18, 2016. ESR4 took part of a study week in biology and medicine for swiss youths and explained about bioinformatics by comparing monosacharides to lego blocks.
“Life of a scientist” – presentation for Gymnasium students in Poznan, Poland, in order to inspire them to train for a scientific career. Presented by ESR1.
Lecture at Ingegneria Siena, Italy, December 17, 2015. ESR4 held a lesson in a bioinformatics class for software engineers.
La Nuit de la science, an event during which GGE fellow ER2 and representatives of various scientific institutions from
Geneva presented their work to open public. Motif of GGE fellow was
drug design and personalized medicine. He was playing with children and
explaining adults what is bioinformatics and why it is important.
La Nuit de la science
GGE fellow ESR6 has on continuous basis talks to dentistry students at Umeå University in Sweden on the importance of ABO blood group secretor status in the scope of lab practice class. The significance of the secretor status for susceptibility to Norovirus and understanding of pathogenesis and especially persistence of H. pylori infection which is recognized as a bacterial carcinogen.
Popular Scientific presentation in front of administrative staff at department of IGP, Uppsala University, - April 2016, Uppsala Sweden. Performed by principal investigator at partner UU.
Students visiting a GGE partner research site
ESR3, Stefan Mereiter, showed high school students results from his research project and talked about gastric cancer (prevalence, risk factors and prognosis) as well as Helicobacter pylori infection. Emphasis was put on the importance of cancer research and research funding from the European Commission.
SciFest at Partner UU
ESR9, Felipe Oliveira, at partner UU has actively participated in SciFest an event for children at the research site. During SciFest ESR9 took the opportunity to instruct secondary school students on Gastric Cancer, and Cancer research in general. In the photo is a demonstration of a separation technique in order to explain how particles in a blood sample from a patient can be separated by weight.
GGE fellow visiting an international high school as Marie Curie ambassador
The overall objectives of this visit was to educate the students about Gastric Cancer Research, to provide insight as to why the EU is investing money in science research, to make an awareness of the prestigious Marie Curie scholarship as well as to encourage the students to consider a career in science.
The presentation included a brief teaching on the basic biology of stomach cancer and Helicobacter Pylori, the biochemistry of mucus and glycoproteins, as well as the glycobiological role of glycans in cancer.
Honorary lecture - Oct 2014, Gothenburg Sweden
Professor Pauline Rudd at GGE partner 2, appointed honarary doctor at Gothenburg University, presented the glycobiology field to the general public.
Opening of the new Waters MS facility - Sep 2014, Wilmslow, United Kingdom
Professor Pauline Rudd at GGE partner 2 was invited speaker at the opening and talked to a non-scientific audience about glycobiology.
GGE fellow participate in Science is a girl thing - ask a scientist on Facebook
Science is a girl thing-ask a scientist
Last update: Thursday, March 9, 2017