Joined efforts to fight gastric cancer

Why it is important
Gastric cancer is one of the most lethal cancers. The Gastric Glyco Explorer (GGE) network will add to the fight against gastric cancer by providing more clues to the questions: Who will develop cancer? What can new cancer therapies attack? Why will the new treatment strategies work better than the old treatment?

What we do
The GGE network wishes to establish a platform of glycobiology research in order to use combined efforts to analyze gastric cancer from a glycobiological point of view.

1) Treatment of Gastric Cancer
Glycoproteins as potential drug targets, development of glycoprototypes

2) Detection and Diagnostics of Gastric Cancer
Glycoproteins as biomarkers, development of novel analytical techniques

3) Data simulations, proof of concept of molecular events in Gastric Cancer
Glycobioinformatics as source, development of databases for proof of concept simulations

Who we are
GGE is an EU-funded initial training network for young talented researchers that want to develop a career within science. At the moment 13 ambitious persons are positioned at key research sites within glycobiology throughout Europe. The young researchers here have the opportunity to enrich their skills through hands-on experimental training and supervision from renowned scientist within the glycobiology field. During three years of training each young researcher will gain international experience by participating in transnational lab rotations, workshops and conferences organized among the six collaborating European countries.


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Last update: Thursday, October 5, 2017


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